Three Breaths Mindfulness

On my journey to becoming a just4Me cook and baker, I have realised the importance of taking quality time just for Myself.

It’s a time when I quiet my busy mind, catch my breath and just focus on the here and now around me without judgment or should, could, or ‘to do lists’ yelling at me.

It may be when I sit with a cuppa in the garden or it may be just taking some deep breaths before I start a new task while sitting at my computer.

At other times my mindfulness is listening to a short (10 mins) guided meditation on my phone or it may involve doing a formal meditation class.

Long or short, formal or informal, mindfulness has become a vital tool for helping me to cope with a busy life.

I’m relativity new to the formal practice of mindfulness and on a great journey of discovery. I look forward to sharing what I learn with you here on my website and I look forward to hearing about your adventures with mindfulness.

Three breaths to a better world

One of the first mindfulness practices Susan (co-author of The Power of Baking with Mindful Intent) shared with me was to pause and focus on my breath.

This practice is easy to do anywhere; in the car at the traffic lights, at the computer, on the phone, or wherever you are.

The results of taking just three focused breaths are amazing!

My world becomes calmer, my thinking is clearer and I have more energy. Just three deep, focused breaths and my world feels better.

This is a little poem that I say to myself when I take my three breaths.

Three breaths for my body mind and soul

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How do you still your mind?

Like more mindfulness practices? Check out my new book co-written with Dr Susan Rowe available here.

The Power of Baking wiht Mindful Intent cover

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