About Caroline.
Hi, my name is Caroline and I'm a food lover, keen cook, seasonal food fan and Thermomix owner amongst many other things. And I live in a single-person household.
I've created this website for those who cook just for themselves. It is a mix of recipes, tips, thoughts and reflections on cooking just 4Me. All my work is based on my 4 Principles of Cookingjust4Me.
Did you know that single-person households make up nearly a quarter of the households in Australia and this proportion is rapidly increasing? Yet most cookbooks present recipes that serve 4-8 people!
To me, that means eating the same dish for 3 nights in a row only to throw out the remainder as I just can’t face the dish again! My other option is to freeze the leftovers for another time.
However, years of freezing for another time have taught me that another time never comes when I clean out the freezer three months later and throw out untouched frozen leftovers.
Whilst in theory, it’s easy to just ‘quarter the recipe’, in practice that is not so easy and becomes a little too much on a busy weeknight when you’re trying to cook a healthy dinner for yourself after a long day at work.
When you’re trying to beat the voice in your head that says, in very caring and convincing tones, “Why bother? It’s just you, it’s too much work, grilled cheese on toast will do for you.”