Ham and eggs… my way

One of the great things about cooking just4Me is that I don’t have to compromise on how I cook things. I can focus on cooking things the way I enjoy them. No ifs, buts or maybes. I can cook my way and not worry about any other ways.

Take eggs for example. ‘How to cook the perfect egg’ is a subject everyone has decisive views on and I’ve learnt that these views are not moveable.

Despite famous chefs waxing lyrical about gooey, oozy, soft eggs yokes and most of my friend’s crying rapturously as they cut into an egg and release a running golden yoke, I like my eggs hard boiled. No golden soft stuff for me, only pale yellow firmness.

So if you are a lover of soft, gooey eggs, warning that this post might not be for you. Lovers of firmness read on.

I’ve long admired the sophisticated looking potted eggs in cookbooks and on TV shows, but ‘oeufs en cocotte’ are always the gooey, oozy type therefore not for me until last weekend.

On Sunday I had a quiet morning and felt like a change from my usual breakfast. With wonderfully fresh eggs from my friend’s chooks and some lovely Barossa gypsy ham in the fridge, I decided to make ‘oeufs en cocotte’ my way and created scrambled eggs and ham in pots.ham lined souffle dish

It was much less fuss than I had anticipated. Mix the eggs in my Thermomix, line the pots with ham, pour in egg mixture and place in the Varoma tray with foil on top to prevent moisture running into my egg mix.

I then rinsed the TM bowl, ½ filled with water and set it on Varoma to steam for 20 mins while I went back to bed with a cup of coffee to read the paper.

By the time I’d drunk my cup of coffee, the eggs were ready.

While they looked so cute in the little green pots, I decided to go the whole way on presentation and plated up my scrambled eggs and ham. Perfect eggs – my way!

I made two little pots of scrambled eggs and ham and took the second one to work on Monday to have with some salad as a light lunch.

How do you like your eggs?potted eggs ready for steaming

Potted scrambled eggs and ham


Place eggs in TM bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix for 6 seconds on speed 6.

Cut ham slices in ½. Line each small ceramic soufflé pot with the ½ pieces of ham. One section on the bottom of the pot and two around the sides. Pour egg mixture into pots. Rinse TM bowl and ½ fill with water.

Cover pots loosely with foil, to prevent steam from running into the eggs. Place covered pots into Varoma bowl. Steam for 20 minutes on Varoma at speed 2minutes on

Serve from pots or plated with salad. De-pot by running a knife around the edge of the pot to loosen, then invert onto the plate.

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