The Power of Connecting to Your Inner Cook

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Inner Cook

29 Lessons

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The Power of Connecting to Your Inner Cook Course

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With many of us facing challenges to care for our mental and physical well-being to the level we would like, food costs soaring, and global food waste destroying the planet, it's time for a new approach to food and cooking.

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Why do so many people not bother to cook “cos there’s just me,” and why is this a problem for us all?

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Why cookingjust4Me is different to traditional food preparation; In this lesson, we explore why the Four principles are important and discover they are not the full answer to why I don’t bother ‘cos it's just me and reveal the role of your Inner Cook.

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In this lesson, we begin the discovery of the flavours your Inner Cook loves and meet your Flavour Friends, the first element in the equation to creating meal inspiration just4You.

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The eight simple questions will change your perspective about food and cooking for your benefit and introduce you to your Inner Cook

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Clarity of how you like to cook is the second element of finding inspiration in cooking. This lesson will help you identify what methods your inner cook delights in using. This lesson will guide you in ensuring you have the kitchen kit to match your cooking style and give tips on decluttering responsibly to streamline your kitchen for your Inner Cook.

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This lesson explores why you need a manual for your Inner Cook and how easy it is to create one.

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On completing this module, you will have scoped the essential ingredient list that your Inner Cook has to work with and understand why knowing this will save you time, money and stress.

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This lesson asks you to identify your essential favourite food and explores why stocking only those foods in your pantry will make cooking just4You so much easier.

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In this lesson, you are introduced to a series of easy exercises to identify your favourite ingredients.

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Flavour Friends play a vital role in making food taste good and make it much easier to prepare. In this lesson, you'll identify the Flavour Friends you will invite to your food party and how they can make plain ingredients dazzle delightfully.

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In this lesson, I share my simple formula for meal inspiration and three novel and easy ways to make mealtime choices.

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At the completion of this module, you will understand how rules impact your food and cooking choices for better or worse and how to change them to suit your world today.

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This lesson explores how your food rules impact your eating.

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In this lesson, we take a deep dive into the five types of food rules with exercises to help you clarify your rules. This is a simple but profound lesson.

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This lesson will help you determine which of your many rules cannot be broken or even bent a little and how your Inner Cook can use this list for you to better care for yourself.

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Building on the work in the first three modules at the completion of this module, you will know how to create a recipe just4Me sized recipe.

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This lesson details the guidelines for a healthy-sized meal for one and explores practical ways that you can measure your food.

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It's much easier than most think to write recipes to your taste. In this lesson, the simple Cookingjust4me method of recipe development is shared.

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Over shopping and poor storage are major contributors to food waste. This lesson shares many practical tips for preventing over shopping and the storing of fresh food to prevent waste.

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In this lesson, you will learn a cooking just4Me approach to using up large ingredients in ways that will delight your Inner Cook. The principle of 7 Ways to Transform is shared. Easy-to-follow exercises are provided to create recipes to match your taste and complete this innovative lesson.

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Food is more than sustenance for our bodies. It feeds our souls as well. This module explores the latest research detailing the close relationships between mood and food and guides you to create a practical tool to help you enhance your well-being.

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This lesson introduces the leading research leading the way on understanding the relationship between Mood and Food.

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Your Mood Food playlist is a practical tool to help you untangle your relationship with food. This lesson explores the simple steps to create a Mood Food playlist just4You.

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In this lesson, you’ll be able to apply your recipe development skills from module 4 to your Mood Food playlist to prevent overeating and food waste.

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With your just4 Me size playlist created; this lesson guides you in how to develop healthier versions of your favourite foods with the aim of helping you to become an even healthier version of yourself.

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In this final module, the concept of using activities other than food and cooking to restore your mood is explored.

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Nine mood-restoring strategies, plus the science behind why they will help, are introduced and explored.

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In this final lesson, a range of methods to indexing are explored to help you set up a Manual for Your Inner Cook. Now you’ve got to know your Inner Cook it time to plan a celebration together.

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Welcome to the Course

(Transcript of video 4:50 mins)

Welcome to The Power of Connecting with Your Inner Cook. A totally different approach to food and food preparation, particularly designed for those who cook for themselves or cook for just two. 

It's designed to be self-paced, so you can access the materials when you like and work at your own pace, you can binge and move through everything at once but as a lot of the exercises and a lot of the content in this program is about you reflecting on how you approach food and food preparation.

You may find that you want to do a little bit each week and allow some time to think about and reflect on what the different modules present to you, as a journey of connecting to your Inner Cook and finding a way that you can prepare food easily, enjoyably, save yourself time and save yourself money.

In this little video, I want to give you a quick overview of what the course is. There are six modules.

Module 1

In the first module you're going to meet your Inner Cook. This is a module where I share my eight questions to find out who that Inner Cook is and let you reflect on what's hidden inside. Even if you don't like cooking you have an inner cook. Understanding what you like and don't like about food and food prep really empowers you to be able to make informed decisions. 

Module 2

In module two we're going to look at what I call the four foundation elements of a just4Me meal. I break things down into an easy approach of understanding. What do I need to have in my kitchen to be able to prepare food to delight me? In this module I be sharing my fabulous fun 'spin the wheel' to help you make decisions. It's almost an online game that you can play to help overcome the 'I don't know what to cook and I can't be bothered'.

Module 3

In module three we then start to look at what rules you have around food. Your rules from family, your rules from your diet, your rules from your culture. Your rules from shopping and your rules on food waste. We have so many rules that guide us, and we have a lot of fun playing with that. 

Module 4

In module four we look at how to create a recipe. What is the serve size and how do I go about writing a recipe? Because one of the outputs of this course is you will write your own recipe book and if that sounds really daunting, it's a much easier task than you think once you have collected the information in modules, one, two, and three.

Having written two cookbook, I can assure you that it is a very doable task and particularly when you're writing for your taste and your style of cooking. Your little workbook manual will become a very valuable resource. I know mine sits in the kitchen next to where I do all my cooking and it's my go-to when I need inspiration for what can I make for dinner. 

Module 5

In module five, we start to explore the concept of a mood food playlist and start to see the link from contemporary research of how food governs our mood and how mood governs the food we like to eat and what are some of the things we can do to prepare ourselves for different moods to have in our pantry and our kitchen stocked with ingredients that we love, to be able to create dishes that help us maintain the best possible mood.

Module 6

And then in module six, we're going to look at something quite different in the area of food. It's what I call restore strategies. We frequently use food to restore our mood but sometimes it's not the best choice or the only choice.  I'm going to share with you nine other strategies for restoring your mood in addition to food.

So they're the six modules I'm excited to be sharing.

I look forward to seeing you at one of the live Q and A's that will happen once a month. You have information on the website and in your welcome pack to how that works and the zoom link.

 I will see you then. 

Zoom Link

Monthly Q&A/ Group Coaching Sessions - Live via Zoom

On the first Saturday of the month, I will host a live Q&A group coaching session via Zoom

The Zoom invite details stay the same for each week.

  • Topic: Inner Cook Thursday Group Coaching Session
  • Date: First Thursday of the month  
  • Time: 10.00 - 11.00 AM Adelaide
  •  Link will be sent closer to the time

About the Instructor

Caroline Rowe

Caroline Rowe is a champion of helping small householders to take better care of themselves with food. Author of several cookbooks and Founder of Cookingjust4me, she has produced two award-winning TV series for Community TV on baking and Cooking for small households.The Power of Connecting with Your Inner Cook series pulls together all her research and development on ways to care for yourself with food to save time and money and prevent food waste.

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